Research for Predicting Presidential Elections

by E. Alan Meece

Below this introduction are copies of my research notes for Chapter 12 of Horoscope for the New Age, my articles on predicting presidential elections, and my video 2020 Election Preview.

Research Notes Contents:

Database for candidates' aspects and horoscope scores
New Moon Before Elections
Saturn Return
Saturn in the houses in candidates' charts on election day
Connections to the US horoscope
Presidents connected to the zeitgeist, plus presidents and moon sign tally


Since 2003 I have been developing a method for predicting presidential elections. As I said in my book Horoscope for the New Age, I had been somewhat haphazard in my approach before in the 1980s, noting some of the aspects appearing in the charts of the presidents who did well, and reading the work of Grant Lewi. But my record of success was more spotty than on predictions about war and peace, revolutions, and other trends and events, and I tended to predict elections correctly when the candidates that I favored won the election, but not so correctly when they didn't. I needed to do more thorough research to see if there were any patterns that could take me beyond my bias, and predict accurately.

So starting in 2003, I looked at all the planetary patterns I could think of. I have never noticed that the sun signs of candidates, or sign locations of planets in their charts, showed any consistent pattern; at least not as of the time I developed the system. I did not see any consistent trend at all for transits (the current planetary positions) on election day, and most transits to the horoscopes of the candidates did not indicate any consistent indications either, but only some temporary trends in their campaigns. Astrologers use these transits on the basis of astrological theory in combination with their intuition, and they might make some randomly-successful hits this way. Maybe Donald Trump's "lucky" Jupiter on his progressed Ascendant indicated his victory, as one Trump-supporting astrologer and right-wing astrology forum leader claimed. Progressions are symbolic movement of planets in which, most often, one day after birth equals one year of life. But since there was no consistent pattern to this correlation of Jupiter on candidates' progressed Ascendants, I could not attribute anything to this factor.

So at first, taking my cues from Grant Lewi, in the Fall of 2003 I did more careful accounting of which aspects (angles and alignments between planets) in a candidate's horoscope were found or not found among those who won or lost elections. I found that some aspects were definitely more successful than others. As folk legend declares, things happen when "the planets align." Using this method, I was able to predict more than a month before Howard Dean's primary campaign imploded that he would lose, and that John Kerry would be the best nominee even when he was still way down in the polls, just based on aspects in their natal birth charts. I also looked at the New Moon before the election as a kind of horary oracle on how the people would vote, and it indicated Bush's re-election. This definitely went against my bias, but I wrote it anyway. I spent a month working on an article about this election, but it was not published.

I further researched and revised my horoscope scoring method in 2012, which enabled me to predict that when Donald Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015, contrary to all the pundits, that he would be a strong candidate who might very well get the Republican nomination for president, and that Bernie Sanders was destined to run a strong campaign that might challenge the apparently-inevitable nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Democratic side. I made further revisions in 2016, both before and after the election, and the scores got more accurate and consistent. Although my bias prevailed again, since I thought Hillary had a good chance, Trump won the election. However, my two main methods-- the horoscope scores, and the new moon before the election-- turned out to both be correct. Hillary won the popular vote, which the new moon indicates, and Trump had a better horoscope score than Hillary. The same result had happened in the year 2000.

When I told people about who had which scores through recent history, people were impressed, and the pattern turned out to be very consistent and powerful. I thought I was on to something, so I did further research, and developed the pattern of winners and losers of general elections shown in my article. I have now updated the scores for 2020.

Here I show how I arrived at the horoscope scores for 2020. I also post here the new moon before the election charts, and the other methods I have used. Developing the horoscope scores method has proven to be a daunting task. By 2016 the research became very elaborate and time-consuming. I simplified this method for 2020 so that someone other than myself can revise it as needed more quickly. The scores also change a little bit after each election as more losing candidates and a winner are added to my database of candidates, which goes all the way back to George Washington. In the 2020 version I made just 1 ranking scale for the overall summary (also called master list page 4). For 2016 the candidates were compared on a number of scales, and for many of these scales a summary of how the aspects ranked on each scale is arrived at. But this was cumbersome because when a candidate's rank changed on any scale I had to change other candidates' ranks on several other scales in which it is a factor. This also makes the 2020 scores more accurate than using rankings.

I also added in late 2016 (revised in 2020) a new tally, recording which aspects were in the charts of the winners and losers of each election, and adding in some of the related factors to this tally. In 2020 I assembled this and the other various methods of evaluation onto one ranking list, and from this I decided which aspects get a point or two, favorable or unfavorable. From this list I add up the score of favorable vs. unfavorable aspects for each viable candidate that runs. Each candidate in history and those for whom a score is requested is given a score. Being the notes of a researcher, they are sometimes not very easy to read, but I have scanned them at 300 dpi, so I hope they are minimally readable at least, if harder to load onto a slow computer. Be sure and view from a browser if you are trying to read this website on a phone.

This is a very empirical method, based on what has actually happened and under which aspects. But empirical methods have their inherent limitations. What has happened before may not happen tomorrow, although it might be a good indication. My results do not always jive with what astrologers have thought are the good and bad aspects. Sometimes what they call "inharmonious" or "unlucky" aspects are valuable for a presidential candidate in the rough and tumble political battle. The best aspects for a presidential candidate are often a mixture of easier and harder ones. For example, an easy aspect between the "hard" planets Mars and Saturn is very successful, but the hard aspect between them is not. Sometimes hard aspects to "benefic" planets like Jupiter and Venus or softer ones like Neptune enable them to get into action, whereas easy aspects between them might not provide enough energy and ambition. But that is not an absolute rule. Sometimes planets making hard aspects to Jupiter indicate a reckless and restless candidate. Hard aspects between Mars and Pluto have turned out to be favorable, while the easy ones are not-- even this is not what most astrologers might expect.

Along with empirical results gathered from over 2 centuries of presidential elections in the USA, astrological theory and tradition might prevail in the long run, and therefore traditional views of the aspects might have some merit. My own current results may not be the final answer. Temporary trends have to be looked upon skeptically. Aspects may be prominent among candidates because of the times that call them to run, and these aspects may correspond to a powerful transit going on. For example, recently a raft of losing candidates with Mercury trine to Saturn have run in the aftermath of the great recession, which was indicated by the powerful Saturn in Virgo position in 2008-2009, because Virgo is Mercury's ruling sign. That has given that aspect a very low score in my results that may be temporary, because the sample remains small overall. Indeed some aspects don't have a very big sample or a very long track record of winning and losing, so I might be cautious in my scoring of it. I might not always give extremely different scores to different aspects between the same two planets that have widely diverging results in my tallies and rankings. That could also be a fluke of the times. So I take account of these kinds of factors, and I also remember what noted astrologers have said, such as Charles Carter, in making my decision about the aspects; although I stick mainly to the actual results that I have accumulated.

I decided that the total number of aspects of a particular kind among presidents and candidates, regardless of the percentage that compares these wins or losses, is significant in itself. If lots more candidates have these aspects than other aspects, that increases the chances that a candidate with these aspects might win or lose, even if there may also be lots of other winners and losers with these same aspects. My master list (3 pages long) in column 1 shows those aspects most frequently found among presidents, which I call the honor roll (H), and the aspects most frequently found among the viable candidates that never became president are shown in column 2, which I call the hall of shame (S). From there I move on to column #3, which compares the percentage of presidents and non-presidents for each aspect. Other columns emphasize which candidates actually win and lose elections and nominations, and how often and consistently. But repeated losses do not count against a candidate, because I assume that the candidate had enough support to try more than once.

With so much data, there are likely to be at least a few small errors. I am not immune to such errors, so I have worked to correct them as much as I can.

Database for horoscope scores

Presidents and Aspects

On this list, note that a check mark beside a president's name indicates that a time of birth is known for that president, but a DD indicates that the time is unreliable according to Lois Rodden's ranking. I sometimes used the less reliable C and D charts anyway, with a wary eye, based on the description of sources at Charts were cast for 12 Noon if the birth time was unknown. See the Chart Sources for information on sources for the birth charts and how reliable they are. All the aspects in the charts were reviewed for accuracy (x) and some aspects were corrected (c). Strong aspects within exactly 6 degrees orb or less (3 for sextiles) are underlined in blue. If a yellow line was also inserted, it means that I corrected it to a weaker aspect because its orb was over 6 degrees.

In these charts and lists, minor aspects are marked in green where so indicated, and are worth 1/4 point in calculating the scores for the aspects themselves in the database (not the same as candidate scores). These are semi-squares (45 degrees), sesqui-squares (135 degrees), semi-sextiles (30 degrees) and quincunxes (150 degrees). The semi and sesqui squares require an orb of exactly 2 degrees or less to be listed, and for semi-sextiles and quincunxes the orb is 1 degree. No other minor aspects are included.

Presidents on this list whose name is underlined in black never lost an election and served a full term (and this is transfered to the master list, pages 1-3, column #4). Presidents underlined in red never lost any election or campaign (master list column #6). "x2" is indicated if the candidate won 2 elections (FDR won 4) (master list column #5). If the name is underlined half-way in orange, that president lost a primary campaign as well as being elected president. A plus sign confirms that I included the aspect in the database despite birth time being unknown, because it appeared that it was virtually certain that they had this aspect due to its timing. I listed some minor semi-sextile and quincunx aspects beyond the 1 degree orb, and circled them, just to check if they might be more powerful in real life than my requirements indicate, but so far I don't find that they are.

But if the birth time is unknown, or unreliable, minor aspects by the Moon were not included or were crossed out, and major aspects to the Moon worth 2 points with orbs over 6 degrees are marked with a ? and are worth 1 point. Mutual aspects between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto might be significant, but I did not include them because they are considered to apply to whole generations. Birthdates of presidents are listed in the World Almanac. If a candidate's birth time later becomes known, then I can provide a more accurate score for the candidate, and it may change by a point or more, depending on where the Moon and the fast planets are at the time of birth.

Presidents who served without ever being elected are indicated by a circle, and if they ran and lost an election I put an orange dot in the circle. I thought, however, that such presidents were important to include in the database, because it was a mark of their destiny (and perhaps for others in the future) that they became president even though they weren't elected.

If "ooo" is marked by the president's name, the aspects are not all listed in planetary order, so if you are checking them, you need to check the whole line if you are looking for a particular aspect. Otherwise, they are all listed in astronomical order (Sun, Moon, and then Mercury outward) by the second planet involved in the aspect. Except Donald Trump's aspects are listed by first planet in the aspect, going outward.

The candidate horoscope scores marked at the right on this page (with more-recent ones circled) may have changed since this database list was copied. See Who Scored What on the main page for the latest scores.

Note: "inconjunct" = quincunx

2020 database: Presidents and their aspects

Database: Candidates Who Never Served as President

The same legend as for presidents and aspects holds for this longer list, except that the aspects are listed according to first planet out, not the second; except for the first 10 candidates listed on page 3, and the last candidate listed on page 2 (Giuliani). Note that these 10 candidates on page 3 may have some aspects listed out of order at the end. Also watch for the "ooo" mark for "out of order" if you are checking on the aspects for the other candidates. Horoscope scores as of 2020 are circled. Scores as of 2016 are listed, but not circled. These scores may have ben changed, however, since I copied the list, so refer to corrected scores notes here, or see the main page under who scored what for the latest information.

If the candidate is underlined, they were NOT nominated by a political party. An orange line half way under their name indicated that they both won and lost a nomination. "Parties" include third parties in this case.

Page 1

corrected scores: John Bell, 6-14, Hiram Johnson 10-12, James Cox 8-8, William McAdoo 7-13, Alf Landon 11-14, Barry Goldwater 22-10, Eugene McCarthy 11-5 U, George Romney 5-16

Page 2

Note: Henry Jackson's Mars sq. Jupiter has been corrected to a trine. His correct score is now 10-7.
Edmund Muskie's Mercury trine Mars is strong. His correct score is 7-10.
other corrected scores: Fred Harris 11-14, John Anderson 13-8, John Connally 8-15, Ted Kennedy 9-12, Al Gore 11-9, Bill Bradley 11-16, John Kerry 7-15

Page 3

corrected scores: Newt Gingrich 10-9, Ted Cruz 4-14, Amy Klobuchar 11-11

Aspects, Tallies, Comparisons on various scales

Column 1: Presidents and Aspects Tallies

For column 1 on the master list: aspects of presidents tally (H , "the honor roll" of aspects)
The most common aspects in the charts of presidents make the honor roll on the master list. To compare it with the higher number of those who never served as president, I doubled the tally for the master list.

Rare Aspects for Presidents

Aspects for Best Presidents

For this list, I chose a rather conventional and traditional list of the "best" presidents, marked on the Presidents and Aspects database list by a circle with a star inside. These presidents were: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson (a controversial choice), Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson (another controversial choice), Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. I'm sorry, but I will not include Dwight D. Eisenhower in my list of best presidents, because he didn't accomplish that much, got us involved in some messy situations, and his cabinet choices were atrocious.

Column 2: Candidates who never served as President tally

For column 2 on the master list below, I changed the tally above for candidates who never served as president from negative to positive scores in order to compare it to the tallies for presidents. This is the S or "shame list." It's not really a shame to lose, but that's what I called it. Since the aspect with the most tallies (Mars square or opposite Jupiter) had close to 30 of them, I reversed the score to just above zero. The number 30 will be needed to be raised in the future as more candidates lose the presidential election. Moon square/opposite Jupiter only had 8.5 tallies on this list, so it's score is a high 21.5 because relatively few candidates who never served have this aspect. For conjunctions, because they occur in charts at a rate half as often as other aspects, I started with 15 for the 2020 election. Thus for example, Sun conjunct Mars had 14 tallies for candidates who never served who had that conjunction in their charts, so that aspect gets a score of 1 on this scale.

For column 3, I compared the aspects of presidents to those who never served, expressed as a percentage.

To compare it to the other scores, I multipied this percentage number by 30 for the master list to make it comparable to the tally numbers on #2. The percentages from the 2016 tallies are also shown here as "old".

Column 4. Aspects of Presidents who never lost a general election and served a full term, tally

Column 5. Aspects and ranking of Presidents Elected Twice

Column 6: Aspects of Presidents who never lost general election, primary campaign or nomination, tally

For column 7 on the master list, I took the percentage of column #2 (aspect scores for candidates who never served) over column #6 (aspects of presidents who never lost an election).

Column 8: Candidates never nominated tally

To make this score comparable to those in the other columns, this tally is multiplied by 2
Also included on this tally sheet is a comparison to #4, which was used in the old system. The tally number for #8 is in the second column of the comparison.

For Column 8 on the master list, the scores on the tally were reversed, as for Column 2, in order to give candidates who were never nominated lower scores.

First the raw quantity is listed, then the reversed score. 15 was subtracted from the tally for each aspect to give the score, but for conjunctions 8 was subtracted. So for example, 15 candidates who were never nominated had Mars trine/sextile Neptune, so the score for this aspect on this scale is zero. But Mars square/opposite Pluto only had 6 tallies on this scale, so it's score is 9. Mercury conjunct Jupiter only had 2 tallies, so it's score on this scale is 6, respectable for a conjunction. On the master list in column 8, the score is multiplied by 2, but for conjunctions the score stands as is.

In Column 9 the total of #4,5 and 6 is divided by the raw quantity (first column of numbers on the list) from #8 (not multiplied by 2)

Column 10. Comparison of Strong Aspects among Presidents to Strong Aspects among Candidates who Never Served, % only

Column 11. Comparison % of aspect combos, using totals listed on tally #2, between presidents and never served

Aspect combos are the total tallies among aspects between the same two planets.

In column 12, the original quantities (before multiplying on the master list) of columns 3, 9 and 10 are added together, but #9 is divided in half. The result is multiplied by 10 on the master list; by 5 for conjunctions.

Column 13: Win-Loss Tally

This tally counted presidents who won elections, counting FDR for 3, in the win column, vs. losses in general elections, by presidents not re-elected, by candidates who never served (not total # of losses), and by candidates never nominated #8, all in the loss column.

Strong aspects within exactly 6 degree orb count double (two tallies). Strong aspects for 2020 candidates are marked in red, weaker aspects for 2020 in pink.

If a candidate's birth time is unknown, then lunar aspects beyond 6 degree orb count 1/2, marked with a broken line.

The percentage % of wins divided by losses are indicated on the right of the first column. On the master list in column 13, this percentage number is multiplied by 50, and by 25 for conjunctions.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Total rankings master list

Master List page 1

Master List page 2

Master List page 3

Master List page 4: Ranks on Point System for 2020, based on the Master List, and some other factors may also be considered, including astrological traditions such as the nature of the aspect (T). Other factors include sample size (SS), the other aspects by the same planets (SP) and best presidents list (B)

Point Scoring for each aspect for 2020, favorable and unfavorable (positive and negative points)

More about my other prediction methods for presidential elections is being posted. Fortunately, the calculations for them are nowhere near as elaborate as these above.

New Moon Before the Election

This is like a horary method, often used to forecast who will win a sporting event. In this method, I cast the nearest new moon before election day, from 1848 to 2100. Elections before 1848 were held over many weeks in different states, so such a New Moon was not relevant and did not work. From 1848 onward, I observe the rising and descending signs, and their ruling planets. I did use Uranus as ruler of Aquarius, and Neptune as ruler of Pisces, but for Scorpio I used Mars instead of Pluto. I looked whether the ruler of the Ascendant (rising sign) or the Descendant (opposite setting sign) was higher in the sky, referring to the horizon or the midheaven, whichever the planets are closest to. The Ascendant sign represents the challenging political party out of power in the White House, and the Descendant sign represents the champion political party now in power there. Whichever sign's ruling planet is higher in the sky will win. But since the Moon represents the common people, it has worked out that (in the 19th/20th century, and in the 21st century so far at least) this method forecasts only the popular vote, not the electoral vote. In all 4 cases where the Republican candidate won the electoral vote but not the popular vote (no Democrat or member of any other party has ever done this), the New Moon Before the Election forecast the popular vote correctly.

There is one additional factor I look at in these charts, and that is whether Uranus is at or near the Nadir (point below or bottom angle) of the chart. If it is, then the election will be a revolution against the party in power at the time of the election, regardless of any other indication, and that party will lose the election (including in the electoral college). Or it will suffer an immediate reversal of fortune that will cause it to lose in the future (as in the 1928 election). This applies to Uranus in conjunction within 7 degrees or so with the Nadir angle, or Uranus in the 4th House, and for the first time in 2016 it also applied to Uranus squaring the Ascendant degree within 7 degrees from the 3rd House. This Uranus square to the Ascendant from the 3rd House also occurs (occurred) during the New Moon before the 2020 election.

Note that I also looked at the rulers of the Midheaven and Nadir and found less consistent results.

If election day is changed in the future, or if most voting is done by mail weeks in advance, these indications may change. If the USA changes to a parliamentary system, then the party in power would be appropriately represented by the Prime Minister, leader of the Party in Power.


Election results from World Almanac 2018, p.504. All charts are cast for GMT/UT, for Washington DC, 38N54, 77W02 using Solar Fire and data from under lunar phases

19th Century

1848: Oct 27, 2:47 AM, for election Nov.7. Asc. 17Cancer51, Desc. 17Capricorn51, challenger ruler Moon in 4th House, champ ruler Saturn in 9th House; champ favored. Result: incorrect. Challenger Zachary Taylor of Whig Party defeated champ Lewis Cass of Democratic Party, the Party in Power, and Martin Van Buren of Free Soil Party. Note Zachary Taylor was the recently-victorious (and really non-partisan) general under Democratic President Polk. Also, Van Buren had been a Democrat.

1852: Oct.13, 7:15 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 0Virgo51, Desc. 0Pisces51, challenger ruler Mercury in 2nd House, champ ruler Neptune in 7th; champ favored. Result: incorrect. Challenger Franklin Pierce of Democratic Party defeated champ Winfield Scott of Whig Party.

1856: Oct.28, 9:55 PM, election Nov.4. Asc. 0Taurus38, Desc. 0Scorpio38, challenger ruler Venus in 7th, champ ruler Mars in 9th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ James Buchanan of Democratic Party defeated challengers John C. Fremont of Republican Party and Millard Fillmore of American Party.

1860: Oct.14, 2:38 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 0Sagittarius25, Desc. 0Gemini25, challenger ruler Jupiter in 9th, champ ruler Mercury in 11th/12th cusp; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Abraham Lincoln of Republican Party defeated champs Stephen A Douglas and John Breckinridge of Democratic Party and John Bell of Constitutional Union Party.

1864: Oct.30, 3:28 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 24Sagittarius18, Desc. 24Gemini18, challenger ruler Jupiter in 11th, champ ruler Mercury in 10th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Abraham Lincoln of Republican/National Union Party defeated challenger George McClellan of Democratic Party.

1868: Oct.15, 11:01 PM, election Nov.3. Asc. 6Taurus42, Desc. 6Scorpio42, challenger ruler Venus in 5th, champ ruler Mars in 4th; challenger favored. Result: correct but ambiguous. Challenger Ulysses S. Grant of Republican Party defeated champ Horatio Seymour of Democratic Party, representing incumbent Democrat Andrew Johnson of National Union Party, who succeeded Republican Lincoln in 1865. Uranus was also conjunct the Nadir, representing an electoral revolution defeating the impeached president Johnson (who didn't run).

1872: Nov.1, 5:29 AM, election Nov.5. Asc. 24Leo32, Desc. 24 Aquarius32, challenger ruler Sun in 3rd, champ ruler Uranus in 12th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Ulysses S. Grant of Republican Party defeated challenger Horace Greeley of Democratic Party.

1876: Oct.17, 9:57 AM, election Nov.7. Asc. 6Libra60, Desc. 6Aries50, challenger ruler Venus in 11th, champ ruler Mars in 12th conj. Asc. challenger favored. Result: correct for popular vote. Challenger Samuel J. Tilden of Democratic Party won popular vote over champ Rutherford B. Hayes of Republican Party, but Hayes won the electoral college and became president through a deal for ending Reconstruction.

1880: Oct.4, 4:44 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 23Cancer32, Desc. 23Capricorn32, challenger ruler Moon in 4th, champ ruler Saturn in 10th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ James A Garfield of Republican Party in Power defeated challenger Winfield Hancock of Democratic Party.

1880: alternate chart, Nov.2, 3:55 PM, 10:55 AM DC time on election day. Asc. 3Capricorn16, Desc. 3Cancer16, challenger ruler Saturn conj. Nadir, champ ruler Moon in 10th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ James A Garfield of Republican Party in Power defeated challenger Winfield Hancock of Democratic Party.

1884: Oct.19, 0:31 AM, election Nov.4. Asc. 9Gemini10, Desc. 9Sagittarius10, challenger ruler Mercury in 5th, champ ruler Jupiter in 4th; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Grover Cleveland of Democratic Party defeated James G. Blaine of Republican Party.

1888: Nov.4, 0:02 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 18Gemini08, Desc. 18Sagittarius08, challenger ruler Mercury in 5th/6th cusp, champ ruler in 6th; champ favored. Result: correct for popular vote. Champ Grover Cleveland of Democratic Party won popular vote over challenger Benjamin Harrison of Republican Party, but Harrison won the electoral college and became president.

1892: Oct 20, 6:24 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 29Capricorn04, Desc. 29Cancer04, challenger ruler Saturn in 8th, champ ruler Moon in 9th; champ favored. Result: incorrect. Challenger Grover Cleveland of Democratic Party defeated champ Benjamin Harrison of Republican Party and James B. Weaver of the Populist Party. Neptune was conj. Pluto that year, very perilous for rulers in power.

1896: Oct.6, 10:18 PM, election Nov.3. Asc. 5Aries55, Desc. 5Libra55, challenger ruler Mars in 3rd, champ ruler Venus in 7th; champ favored. Result: incorrect. Challenger William McKinley of Republican Party defeated champ William J. Bryan of Democratic/Populist Party. Being now populist, however, the Democrats were now a different party than before.

20th Century

(the president elected in Nov. 1900 took power in 1901)

1900: Oct 23, 1:27 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 22Scorpio56, Desc. 22Taurus56, challenger ruler Mars in 9th, champ ruler Venus in 10th, champ ruler Venus barely closer to Midheaven, which was near to both planets; champ favored. Result: somewhat ambiguous, but I think correct. Champ William McKinley of Republican Party defeated challenger William J. Bryan of Democratic Party. But McKinley was assassinated in 1901.

1904: Nov.7, 3:37 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 2Capricorn54, Desc. 2Cancer54, challenger ruler Saturn in 2nd, champ ruler Moon in 10th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Theodore Roosevelt of Republican Party defeated challenger Alton B. Parker of Democratic Party.

1908: Oct.25, 6:46 AM, election Nov.3. Asc. 4Virgo03, Desc.4Pisces03, challenger ruler Mercury in 3rd, champ ruler Neptune in 11th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ William H. Taft of Republican Party defeated challenger William J. Bryan of Democratic Party.

1912: Oct.10, 1:40 PM, election Nov.5. Asc. 15Scorpio26, Desc. 15Taurus26, challenger ruler Mars on 12th cusp; champ ruler conj. Asc. (1st house cusp); challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Woodrow Wilson of Democratic Party defeated champ William H. Taft of Republican Party and Theodore Roosevelt of Progressive Party.

1916: Oct.26, 8:37 PM, election Nov.7. Asc. 25Pisces08, Desc. 25Virgo08. challenger ruler Neptune in 5th, champ ruler Mercury in 7th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Woodrow Wilson of Democratic Party defeated Charles E. Hughes of Republican Party.

1920: Oct.12, 0:50 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 6Gemini00, Desc. 6Sagittarius00, challenger ruler Mercury in 6th, champ ruler Jupiter in 4th; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Warren G. Harding of Republican Party defeated champ James Cox of Democratic Party.

1924: Oct.28, 6:57 AM, election Nov.4. Asc. 8Virgo43, Desc. 8Pisces43, challenger ruler Mercury in 3rd, champ ruler Neptune in 12th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Calvin Coolidge of Republican Party defeated challenger John Davis of Democratic Party and Robert M. LaFollette of Progressive Party.

1928: Oct 13, 3:56 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 15Sagittarius29, Desc. 15Gemini29, challenger ruler Jupiter in 5th, champ ruler Mercury in 11th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Herbert Hoover of Republican Party defeated challenger Al Smith of Democratic Party. But Uranus was conj. Nadir, and the Great Depression hit in 1929.

1932: Oct.29, 2:56 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 16Sagittarius04, Desc. 16Gemini04, challenger ruler Jupiter in 9th, champ ruler Mercury on 12th house cusp; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Franklin D. Roosevelt of Democratic Party defeated champ Herbert Hoover of Republican Party. Uranus in 4th House indicated electoral revolution.

1936: Oct.15, 10:20 AM, election Nov.3. Asc. 9Libra28, Desc. 9Aries28, challenger ruler Venus in 2nd, champ ruler Mars in 11th/12th cusp; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Franklin D. Roosevelt of Democratic Party defeated challenger Alf Landon of Republican Party.

1940: Oct.30, 10:03 PM, election Nov.5. Asc. 6Taurus28, Desc. 6Scorpio28, challenger ruler Venus in 6th house, champ ruler Mars in 6th house but higher (closer to Desc.); champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Franklin D. Roosevelt of Democratic Party defeated Wendell Willkie of Republican Party.

1944: Oct 17, 5:35 PM, election Nov.7. Asc. 13Leo51, Desc. 13Aquarius51, challenger ruler Sun in 3rd, champ ruler Uranus in 11th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Franklin D. Roosevelt of Democratic Party defeated challenger Thomas E. Dewey of Republican Party.

1948: Nov.1 (total eclipse, the unexpected), 6:03 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 1Virgo11, Desc. 1Pisces11, challenger ruler Mercury in 2nd, champ ruler Neptune also in 2nd, but 7 degrees closer to Asc.; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Harry S. Truman of Democratic Party defeated challenger Thomas E. Dewey of Republican Party.

1952: Oct 18, 10:42 PM, election Nov.4. Asc. 3Taurus32, Desc. 3Scorpio32, challenger ruler Venus in 7th, champ ruler Mars in 9th; champ favored. Result: incorrect. Challenger Dwight D. Eisenhower of Republican Party defeated champ Adlai Stevenson of Democratic Party. But Uranus was conj. Nadir, indicating electoral revolution against Democrats, and Eisenhower was elected. So the result was correct.

1956: Nov.2, 4:44 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 15Capricorn04, Desc. 15Cancer04, challenger ruler Saturn in 11th, champ ruler Moon in 10th conj. Midheaven; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Dwight D. Eisenhower of Democratic Party defeated challenger Adlai Stevenson of Democratic Party.

1960: Oct.20, 12:02 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 4Scorpio03, Desc. 4Taurus03, challenger ruler Mars in 9th, champ ruler Venus in 1st; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger John F. Kennedy of Democratic Party defeated champ Richard M. Nixon of Republican Party.

1964: Oct.5, 4:20 PM, election Nov.3. Asc. 14Sagittarius09, Desc. 14Gemini09, challenger ruler Jupiter in 6th, champ ruler Mercury in 10th conj. Midheaven; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Lyndon B. Johnson of Democratic Party defeated challenger Barry Goldwater of Republican Party.

1968: Oct 21, 9:44 PM, election Nov.5. Asc. 15Aries33, Desc. 15Libra33, challenger ruler Mars in 6th, champ ruler Venus in 8th; champ favored. Result: incorrect. Challenger Richard M. Nixon of Republican Party defeated champ Hubert Humphrey of Democratic Party and George Wallace of American Independent Party. Wallace had been a Democrat, which might have tilted the new moon indicator toward the champ.

1972: Nov.6, 1:21 AM, election Nov.7. Asc. 8Cancer05, Desc. 8Capricorn05, challenger ruler Moon in 5th, champ ruler Saturn in 12th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Richard M. Nixon of Republican Party defeated challenger George McGovern of Democratic Party. Note Champ ruler Saturn singleton in 12th house: nefarious!

1976: Oct.23 (total eclipse), 5:10 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 13Leo45, Desc. 13Aquarius45, challenger ruler Sun in 3rd house, closer to Asc. and farther by 2 degrees from Nadir than champ ruler Uranus in 4th house; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Jimmy Carter of Democratic Party defeated champ Gerald R. Ford of Reoublican Party. Uranus was conj. Nadir: electoral revolution against party in power.

1980: Oct.9, 2:50 AM, election Nov.4. Asc. 3Cancer28. Desc. 3Capricorn28, challenger ruler Moon in 5th, champ ruler Saturn in 4th; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Ronald Reagan of Republican Party defeated champ Jimmy Carter of Democratic Party.

1984: Oct.24, 12:08 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 8Scorpio31, Desc. 8Taurus31, challenger ruler Mars in 3rd, champ ruler Venus in 1st; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Ronald Reagan of Republican Party defeated challenger Walter Mondale of Democratic Party.

1988: Oct.10, 9:49 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 29Pisces53, Desc. 29Virgo53, challenger ruler Neptune in 10th, champ ruler Mercury in 7th; challenger favored. Result: incorrect. champ George H.W. Bush of Republican Party defeated challenger Michael Dukakis of Democratic Party.

1992: Oct.25, 8:34 PM, election Nov.3, Asc. 23Pisces12, Desc. 23Virgo12, challenger ruler Neptune in 10th, champ ruler Mercury in 8th; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Bill Clinton of Democratic Party defeated champ George H.W. Bush of Republican Party and independent Ross Perot.

1996: Oct.12, 2:14 PM, election Nov.5. Asc. 24Scorpio17, Desc. 24Taurus17, challenger ruler Mars in 9th, champ ruler Venus in 10th conj. Midheaven; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Bill Clinton of Democratic Party defeated Robert Dole of Republican Party and Ross Perot of Reform Party.

21st Century

2000: Oct 27, 7:58 AM, election Nov.7. Asc. 20Virgo41, Desc. 20Pisces41, challenger ruler Mercury in 2nd, 49 degrees below Asc and 39 degrees above Nadir, champ ruler Neptune in 5th 46 degrees below Asc. and 44 degrees above Nadir; champ favored by a few degrees. Result: correct for popular vote. Champ Al Gore Jr. of Democratic Party won the popular vote over challenger George W. Bush of Republican Party and Ralph Nader of Green Party. However George W. Bush won the electoral college as a result of a Supreme Court decision and became president.

2004: Oct 14, 2:48 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 7Cancer33, Desc. 7Capricorn33, challenger ruler Moon on 5th house cusp, champ ruler on 2nd house cusp; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ George W. Bush of Republican Party defeated challenger John Kerry of Democratic Party.

2008: Oct.28, 11:14 PM, election Nov.4. Asc. 28Taurus14, Desc. 28Scorpio14, challenger ruler Venus in 7th, champ ruler Mars in 6th; challenger favored. Result: correct. Challenger Barack Obama of Democratic Party defeated champ John McCain of Republican Party.

2012: Oct.15, 12:03 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 0Scorpio38, Desc. 0Taurus36, challenger ruler Mars in 2nd, champ ruler Venus in 11th; champ favored. Result: correct. Champ Barack Obama of Democratic Party defeated challenger Mitt Romney of Republican Party.

2016: Oct.30, 5:38 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 27Capricorn06, Desc. 27Cancer06, challenger ruler Saturn at 11th house cusp, champ ruler Moon in 9th, 12 degrees from Midheaven; champ favored. Result: correct for popular vote. Champ Hillary R. Clinton of Democratic Party won popular vote over challenger Donald J. Trump of Republican Party, but Trump won the electoral vote and became president. Uranus was also squaring the Ascendant from the 3rd House, probably indicating an electoral revolution against the Party in Power. In that case, the result was correct for the election also.

2020: Oct 16, 7:31 AM, election Nov.3. Asc. 15Aquarius29, Desc. 15Leo29, challenger ruler Uranus in 3rd house, champ ruler Sun in 8th; champ Donald Trump of Republican Party favored to win popular vote. But Uranus is again squaring the Ascendant from below the 3rd house, probably indicating another electoral revolution against the Party in Power. In that case, the challenger from the Democratic Party may be favored.

2024: Nov.1, 12:47 PM, election Nov.5. Asc. 22Scorpio08, Desc. 22Taurus47, challenger ruler Mars in 9th, champ ruler Venus in 1st; challenger favored.

2028: Oct.18, 2:57 AM, election Nov.7. Asc. 13Cancer02, Desc. 13Capricorn02, challenger ruler Moon in 4th, champ rulerSaturn in 11th; champ favored.

2032: Oct.4, 1:26 PM, election Nov.2. Asc. 8Scorpio41, Desc. 8Taurus41, challenger ruler Mars in 10th, champ ruler Venus in 1st; challenger favored.

2036: Oct.19, 11:50 AM, election Nov.4. Asc. 1Scorpio20, Desc. 1Taurus20, challenger ruler Mars in 12th,champ ruler Venus in 11th; champ favored.

2040: Nov.4, 6:55 PM, election Nov.6. Asc. 29Aquarius45, Desc. 29Leo45, challenger ruler Uranus in 6th, champ ruler Sun in 8th; champ favored. Note that the book might say the election may be close because the chart rulers are close to each other, but this is incorrect.

2044: Oct.20, 11:36 AM, election Nov.8. Asc. 25Taurus40, Desc. 25Scorpio40, challenger ruler Venus in 5th, champ ruler Mars in 7th, favoring the champ, but Uranus in the 4th house and square the Ascendant indicates a likely electoral revolution against the Party in Power; favoring the challenger.

2048: Oct.7, 5:45 PM, election Nov.3. Asc. 5Capricorn25, Desc. 5Cancer25, challenger ruler Saturn in 1st, champ ruler Moon in 9th; champ favored.

2052: Oct.22, 3:03 PM, election Nov.5. Asc. 12Sagittarius36, Desc. 12Gemini36, challenger ruler Jupiter in 10th, champ ruler Mercury in 12th; challenger favored.

2056: Nov.7, 12:20 PM (7:20 AM DC time), election Nov.7. Asc. 22Scorpio18, Desc. 22Taurus18, challenger ruler Mars in 9th, champ ruler Venus in 2nd; challenger favored. But the previous New Moon on Oct.9 has Asc. 6Cancer13, Desc. 6Capricorn13, challenger ruler Moon in 4th, champ ruler Saturn in 11th, favoring the champ.

2060: Oct.24, 9:25 AM, election Nov.2. Asc. 6Libra16, Desc. 6Aries16, challenger ruler Venus in 12th, champ ruler Mars in 11th; champ favored.

2064: Oct.10, 10:33 AM, election Nov.4. Asc. 8Libra55, Desc. 8Aries44, challenger ruler Venus in 2nd, champ ruler Mars in 12th; champ favored.

2068: Oct.26, 4:16 AM, election Nov.6. Asc. 5Leo54, Desc. 5Aquarius54, challenger ruler Sun in 4th, champ ruler Uranus in 5th; champ favored.

2072: Oct.11, 5:55 PM, election Nov.8. Asc. 11Capricorn56, Desc. 11Cancer56, challenger ruler Saturn in 10th (8 degrees past midheaven), champ ruler Moon in 9th, 16 degrees from midheaven. But Moon is higher in the sky, square the Ascendant, while Saturn is only sextile to it. So I decided the party in power or champ is favored. It should be a close election and could go either way. I might need to update and change this indication in the book.

2076: Oct.27, 8:50 PM, election Nov.3. Asc. 4Aries18, Desc. 4Libra18, challenger ruler Mars in 9th, champ ruler Venus conj. Desc.; challenger favored.

2080: Oct.13, 2:43 AM, election Nov.5. Asc. 6Cancer05, Desc. 6Capricorn05, challenger ruler Moon in 5th, champ ruler Saturn in 8th; champ favored.

2084: Oct.29, 9:47 AM, election Nov.7. Asc. 14Libra50, Desc. 14Aries50, challenger ruler Venus in 12th, champ ruler Mars in 8th; champ favored.

2088: Oct.14, 2:39 PM, election Nov.2. Asc. 1Sagittarius27, Desc. 1Gemini27, challenger ruler Jupiter in 11th, champ ruler Mercury in 10th. Champ favored, but Uranus is in square to Ascendant from the 3rd house, indicating a possible "electoral revolution" against the Party in Power.

2092: Oct.30, 7:28 PM, election Nov.4. Asc. 5Pisces33, Desc. 5Virgo33, challenger ruler Neptune in 6th, champ ruler Mercury in 8th; champ favored.

2096: Oct.16, 6:28 AM, election Nov.6. Asc. 24Leo32, Desc. 24Aquarius32, challenger ruler Sun in 3rd, champ ruler Uranus in 8th; champ favored.

2100: Nov.2, 3:14 AM, election Nov.8. Asc. 28Cancer23, Desc. 28Capricorn23. challenger ruler Moon in 4th, higher than champ ruler Saturn in 4th. Challenger favored. 7 planets in 4th house or conj. Nadir, opposing Uranus and/or Pluto in 10th house. Mars-Jupiter-Saturn opposing Pluto. Revolution??

Saturn Return

Saturn in the Houses of candidates on election day

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